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Northern shrimp paired with rosé Alfredo sauce, with aged parmesan cheese and herbs, makes for an exceptional marriage of flavours! Served on fettuccine, this freeze-dried meal is inspired by the great Italian classics. Your whole family will thank you on your next outdoor adventure.
Northern shrimp paired with rosé Alfredo sauce, with aged parmesan cheese and herbs, makes for an exceptional marriage of flavours! Served on fettuccine, this freeze-dried meal is inspired by the great Italian classics. Your whole family will thank you on your next outdoor adventure.
This protein packed power house is a must to restore your energy after a long adventure in the great outdoors! Pour the contents of the pouch into a pot, cook and you’re done!
Freeze-drying is a very unique process that allows water, in frozen foods, to change from a solid state to a gaseous state through a process called sublimation. Essential properties, such as colour, taste, and texture, and all of the important nutrients are preserved through this transformation. The process is performed by a machine called a freeze-dryer that mimics the atmospheric pressure of the highest peaks in the world!
Serving Vancouver, Burnaby, Surrey and Beyond!
Skyview Outdoors
12355 Pattullo Pl,
Surrey, BC V3V 8C3
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